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 By Hoa T - February 7, 2024

The communism of Karl Marx aims to nullify patriotism, erase the
borders, and control the world. The communists have never loved their country, instead communism, and comradeship put above the people. The communist parties in China, Vietnam, and North Korea derail patriotism led by socialism while communism conflicts with patriotism. The one world community is the last stage of the communists. Therefore, the communists pride themselves on the descendants of apes, the animals covered human bodies with viral characteristics that are worse than the dogs. Sharks, crocodiles, and wild animals do not regret eating human meat, so the apes of Karl Marx have never repented after killing a hundred million people and enslaving a billion people around the world. Likely the animals living in the jungle without borders, and no religion. The communists and mongrel communists are the same as the tiger snake and Cobra.

China, North Korea, Vietnam, and others hate the religions Karl Marx
slammed” religion is the opium”. The ape governments applied
malevolent policies to extinguish the religions because theism
conflicts with atheism. In democratic countries, the left parties
couldn’t eliminate the religions because the constitution respects
religious freedom. Instead, the left parties used religion to gain the
ballots in the elections.

The atheists pretend to follow the religions such as Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden in the United States. Therefore, the FBI claims the
Catholics are a terror organization and investigating. Nevertheless,
the people living in democratic countries are allergic to communism, so the left party renamed globalization to deceive innocent people, indeed communism and globalization are the same. Globalization attempts multiple battles such as the hoax climate change to destroy energy (impoverishment), homosexuality (the sexuality has no border) transgender (the male and female have no border), and illegal migrants reflect globalization and carry out multiple purposes. The Democrats exploit human rights to erase the border for the people smuggling business, the child sex rings, the drug cartels, and gaining the ballots from the futuristic citizens. Moreover, the unleashed border also carries out globalization and transforms the planet into a one-world government.

In the Cold War, the communists formed the Global Communist Bloc was led by the Soviet Union and China’s Communist Party. The Global Communist Bloc attempted to erase the borders between the countries through the wars in Vietnam, and North Korea, and the current tension between East and West Germany. The Soviet Union removed the borders between Russia and the Eastern European states. Therefore, the world without borders of the Global Communist Bloc was cracked by the United States and its allies. The South Vietnam Army bravely fought against the Global Communist Bloc to keep the region out of the Red Wave until the Asian Countries including Australia and New Zealand couldn’t defend themselves.

In the early 1900s, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the Global
Communist Bloc shattered. Therefore, China’s Communist Party, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, and Laos apply the lizard changing the color skin’s tactic for survival. Nowadays, China acquired the stolen technology and continues to erase the borders in the region. China’s Communist Party illegally built artificial islands in the Indochina Pacific and tried to control the waterways entering Asia. Moreover, China erased the borders between Tibet and Xinjiang Uyghur. Nevertheless, China occupied the land of Nepal, India, Bhutan, and others. Vietnam’s Communist Party is the henchman of China, so the Northern border between Vietnam and China was erased, and China considers Vietnam as a district.

Mostly, the left parties in Western countries such as the Australian
Labor Party (the Australian Leninist Party), the UK Labor Party (the
US Leninist Party), the French Socialist Party, and others always
supported the illegal migrants. Nevertheless, the United Nations with the hardcore communist, Mr. Antonio Guterres Secretary-General advocates the illegal migrants, and the UNHCR defines climate change as refugees. The illegal migrants shattered Europe and created a crisis in Australia (Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd flagged the asylum seekers, and more than 50,000 illegal migrants came costing the taxpayers $12 billion). Moreover, the socialist Pope Francis supported the illegal migrants that matched globalization. In the United States, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden opened the border and used more than $US 20 billion to provide accommodation and other facilities. Joe Biden spent $US 86.9 million to rent 1,200 hotel beds. The Republican states strongly opposed the border unleashed by Biden, so Texas deployed the razor wire to hamper the illegal migrants, and the five thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court ordered the removal of the
razor wire to sophisticate the hypocritical humanity. According to a
poll by CNN, a majority of American people (58%) distrust the Supreme Court. The rigged election in 2020, and the border removed the credit of the Supreme Court, the place of Bush Law.

The people believe the majority of Justices in the Supreme Court
involved corruption, the people smuggling businesses, and the cartels. Texas Governor Greg Abbott rejected the treasonous order of the Supreme Court, and 25 states supported it, they promised to send the National Guards to Texas. The standoff rises, but the five Justices have not withdrawn the order. Moreover, the five Justices are cowards, they avoid 
coming to the border, and the five wooden hammers cannot confront the National Guards. Even, Democratic Governor of Connecticut Ned Lamont offered Joe Biden to use the Connecticut Guard to secure the border, but Joe Biden refused.

Illegal migrants are the essential policy of the Global Deep States to
make a profit from the people’s smuggling organizations, the child sex slaves, and the drug cartels while the illegal migrants aim to erase the border and carry out globalization, then the global one government.


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