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by Hoa Truong - January 29, 2024

The United States was founded on July 4th, 1776, the presidents were elected by the people. Therefore, it is the first time, since January 20, 2021, that the White House has no president and vice president. Instead, the presidential robber Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris robbed the White House in the full-scale rigged election by the chain of the highest robbery level in America. The key chain of the White House robbery was the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court including the four RINO Justices as tyrant Chief Justice John Roberts (the supreme king without a throne in the United States), Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and traitor Mike Pence. Behind the White House robbery are the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and other domestic thugs.
China’s Communist Party ordered the buying of Joe Biden since he was the Vice President of Hussein Barrack Obama. The secret deal made after Joe Biden and his smart son Hunter Biden used the Air Force to fly to Beijing, and the bribery of $US 1.5 billion that China paid for Hunter Biden as the henchman contract which validated after the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, so China has their Executive Joe Biden in the White House. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden repays the boon, and also executes the contract that responds to the global hegemonic strategy of China to colonize the United States as the stratagem of Sun Tzu” Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief”, and Joe Biden must make the America worsened. China is forwarding to replace the United States as the world’s superpower.
The loss of Afghanistan was a boon to cede the strategic region to China and also donated the valuable weapon stockpile for the vestige militia Taliban. The terror organizations, China, and Iran share the great booty that was made by the three mongrel communist Amigos such as the stolen commander in chief Joe Biden, the illegal Secret of Defense former Four Stars General Lloyd Austin, and the Four Stars General Mark Milley. It is the shame of the strongest army on the planet when the obscurant constitution of 1871 transformed the US Army into the robot Army. On the other hand, the US Army is not different from the People’s Army of China when the commander-in-chief and the top military commanders are the mongrel communists. The Stolen commander-in-chief Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Chief Army Staff Mark Milley applied the communist methods by teaching the theory of Marxism-Leninist-Maoist, the self-criticism, and the military purge to expel the patriotic officers and the commanders. The US Army should be renamed The People’s Army of America. The malevolent plan of the US illegal president Joe Biden made by China to destroy the United States to the grassroots and cripple the US Army. The national services of the US Army are led by socialism.   
Homosexuality, the transgender, and the vaccine purge weaken the US Army. Nevertheless, the stolen commander in-chief Joe Biden created the war in Ukraine and Israel-Hamas with the taxpayers. Nowadays, the US Army lost the position of the world’s strongest army when the commander in chief is the illegal President Joe Biden who wants to destroy the US Army as the strategy of his boss, China’s Communist Party. The US Army ran away with the vestige militia Taliban that killed 13 US soldiers. It was incredible when China applied the classic intelligence tactic of using the balloons to detect the military bases in the United States in two weeks, and after the spy mission was accomplished, Joe Biden ordered the shooting down of the balloons and claimed national protection. The disgraced drama couldn’t convince the public.    
Recently, the terror militia group Houthi is currently attacking the liners, oil tankers, cruise ships, and the US Navy in the Red Sea. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden surrendered Houthi as he did in Afghanistan. On January 27, 2024, Joe Biden implored China’s Communist Party telling Iran to curb Houthi attacks although the US Navy acquired the aircraft carriers, the nuclear Submarines, the modern missiles, and the nuclear weapons. It means the US Army can not defend itself, and the army seems to surrender any enemies including the militia groups, and the terror organization. The lives of the US soldiers are endangered when the commander in chief, and the military headquarters are the henchmen of China’s Communist Party. Therefore, on January 28, 2024, a drone attacked a US outpost in Jordan to kill three US soldiers and injured more than 30 service members.
Nevertheless, the White House transformed into the headquarters of drug traffickers after the Secret Service Agents found the Cocaine on July 4th, 2023. The Pentagon became the double cross military firm after Joe Biden applied the military purge and taught communism to brainwash the soldiers. The 2024 presidential election should be the last battle if Joe Biden applies the rigged election to rob the White House again, and the US Army is not different from the people’s army of the communist countries because the army is no longer to protect the country, instead the communist party.
The six Justices in the Supreme Court, traitor Mike Pence, and other domestic thugs couldn’t escape the treason and the People’s condemnation after legalizing the 46th illegal president Joe Biden to rob the White House. Therefore, they keep quiet as a stone, the people ask where they are Justices living. Certainly, the prime culprits couldn’t ignore it, except they hid in the asshole. The disastrous America came from the six Justices, and the treason continued when the enormous Justices of the Supreme Court voted 5/4 to order Texas to remove the razor wire. The Supreme Court turned the SUPREME SHIT, the Justices declared war on the American people. They are the most dangerous domestic thugs to destroy the United States with wooden hammers. The disastrous consequences were immeasurable when China sowed its henchman to control the White House and also used Executive Biden to colonize the United States.

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